Hotel fukinomori

The friendliness of the citizens of Japan has been extraordinary. the staff at Fukinomori has been outstanding. We loved our 2 dinners and breakfast

2018年 06月 17日


If you have any special memorials or touched moments during the traveling, please tell us what made you impressed and why. (Doesn`t have to be the Hotel Fukinomori.)

The friendliness of the citizens of Japan has been extraordinary. the staff at Fukinomori has been outstanding. We loved our 2 dinners and breakfast. Outstanding, interesting to us from America. And much fun staff – all your people are friendly, helpful and kind.

Please tell us where you found this Hotel. (Website, Magazine, Introduction, or etc.)

Through Inside Japan tours.


              What made you choose this Hotel Fukinomori?

A recommendation


Please tell us if there is anything us to make an improvement in this Hotel.

Provide higher stools in the onsen for tall men and women.

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