Amazing dinner and stunning room
2024年 12月 20日
If you have any special memorials or touched moments during the traveling, please tell us what made you impressed and why. (Doesn`t have to be the Hotel Fukinomori.)
First time using onsen here a wonderful introduction. Amazing dinner here, beautiful and delicious.
Stunning view from our room- The mist in the trees was magical.
Please tell us where you found this Hotel. (Website, Magazine, Introduction, or etc.)
What made you choose this Hotel Fukinomori?
Proximity to Nakasendo and large room (travelling with baby)
Please tell us if there is anything us to make an improvement in this Hotel.
When we got off the bus from tsumago there were a lot of groups and we were left to last to check in, despite having a young baby- it would have been a kindness to let us check n sooner.
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