Hotel fukinomori

Free Tea House

2018年 12月 01日

If you have any special memories or highlights during your current journey through Japan, please tell us what impression they made. (Doesn`t have to be the Hotel Fukinomori.)

The scenes, the trail and traditional buildings

The free tea house with its charming people on the trail

Please tell us where you found this Hotel. (Website, Magazine, Introduction, or etc.)

Our travel agent booked the hotel for us

What made you choose this Hotel Fukinomori?

As above

Please tell us if there is anything for us to make an improvement in this Hotel.

This is a beautiful, thoughtful hotel for those who wish to in fine dining and spa facilities. However, it is not for families or travelers who are vegetarians or who have a dislike of fish. There is nothing wrong with the hotel – but we were the wrong kind of guests. We appreciate the hard work and effort of all the staff in accommodating us `Western` guests.

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