Hotel fukinomori

definitely recommend it

2019年 12月 20日

If you have any special memories or highlights during your current journey through Japan, please tell us what impression they made. (Doesn`t have to be the Hotel Fukinomori.)

The NAKASENDO walk was spectacular would definitely recommend it. It was great to have rest stops along tha way of it was well sign posted FUKINOMORI was great wish we had more than night especially enjoyed tha private Onsen.

Please tell us where you found this Hotel. (Website, Magazine, Introduction, or etc.)

Our travel agent recommended it.

What made you choose this Hotel Fukinomori?

Recommended by inside Japan.

Please tell us if there is anything for us to make an improvement in this Hotel.

Would be nice to have a basic breakfast option for costumers who have to depart early (maybe to a coffee pastries fruit)